I mean. It's the ocean. That being said, if you are able to dive and breathe underwater, you will find an incredibly rich amount of flora and fauna. From the beautiful and colorful of the coral reefs, to the grand open blue where massive beasts prowl the waters. Even deeper is a loss of light that gives rise to the truly weird of creatures |
A newly established port by the Kingdom of Hyrule. Windfall port is so named due to it being a relief to any sailors out there. Merchants line the winding pathway throughout the port and hock their goods. Wealthy new money have set up estates by the ocean there, rich off of successful business in the new economy. Every now and then auctions are held and foreigners can be found. Due to its nature, Windfall is very heavily guarded, as much as the capital, and lawbreakers won't get very far here. Even the ocean is guarded, as Zora Privateers work to keep the waters safe. |
with a hint of salt [c] CREATED BY Lycoris LAST POST BY Lycoris Nov 14, 2017 7:22:32 GMT -8 |
A veritable fortress built out of cobble and wrecked ships. The Forsaken City is named as such due to it being a godless, lawless place where all the worst of the worst are free to mingle. Some call it the place of ultimate freedom, where only one's choices and desires are what truly matters. It is long, winding, and tall, but anything you want here, can be found here. From illegal items to more lively desires and even the slave trade. The Law has tried to raze this place to the ground many times but has never succeeded. |
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